Kapersky android
Kapersky android

kapersky android

Kaspresso is available under the Apache License, Version 2.0.Kaspersky Antivirus & VPN is a security tool for smartphones that goes much further than a simple antivirus, offering absolutely everything that an Android user might need to feel secure.Īs you'd expect, Kaspersky Antivirus & VPN protects your device from whatever virus might try to attack, scanning applications before you download them and blocking you from accessing dangerous websites. Kaspresso is an open source project, so you are welcome to contribute (see the Contribution Guidelines).

  • Fixed an automatic system dialogs closing.
  • ( io.AllureAndroidJUnitRunner) with .KaspressoRunner
  • Video recording in the allure tests requires using new kaspresso builder: () and replacing the test runner.
  • In order to support the system storage restrictions artifacts are saved under /sdcard/Documents folder.
  • type f \( -name "*.kt" -o -name "*.java" \) -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i '' -e 's/com.agoda/io.github.kakaocup/g' or using global replacement tool in IDE.
  • Kaspresso migrated to a new version of Kakao which has io. package name.
  • This resulted in the need to always run AdbServer before tests. In previous version of Kaspresso, was called automatically during initialization.
  • If you use device.logcat in your tests, you should call in the before section of your test.
  • The old version artifacts/desktop_1_1_0.jar is also available for use with older versions of Kaspresso.

    kapersky android

  • We've totally reworked AdbServer and Kaspresso 1.2.0 works only with new artifacts/adbserver-desktop.jar.
  • kapersky android

    Remember, it's a temporary working solution.Ī little bit later, Kaspresso will use external storage only through Scoped Storage and you will not be forced to request all mentioned permissions. storage support for Android API runtimePermissionRule : GrantPermissionRule = ant( Step( "Click button_1 and check button_2 ") MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE allow")

    Kapersky android